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Latest Update

July 24, 2024

New Features:

Updated the Rules for Archiving by Status
Impact: Artists

  • Updated the rules to allow artists to archive entries in the Not Invited, Declined, or Withdrawn statuses if the Jury Status is set to Complete or Not Yet Started.
  • Added a list of active applications an artwork is used in on the Media Preview page of the portfolio.

Previous Updates

June 19, 2024

New Features:

Updated Design of the Promotional E-Blasts 
Impact: Internal, Administrators, Artists

  • Updated the design of the promotional e-blasts to make them more visually appealing. 
  • Added a feature to allow administrators to choose a custom brand color for the e-blast’s border and icons.
Added Alert Banners to the Admin Login Page 
Impact: Administrators

  • Updated the administrator login page so it displays alert banners before the user logs in.
Add Login Link to Deactivation Email
Impact: Artists

  • Updated the email sent to artists instructing them to log in before their account is deactivated so that it includes a login link and directs them to CaFÉ.


Income Breakdown Report Error 
Impact: Administrators, Internal

  • Fixed an issue when downloading the Income Breakdown Report that caused an alert message to appear noting the loss of data.
Updated 404 Error Page
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Updated the 404 error pages with a common image for CaFÉ that includes links to return to the website, help center, or contact us pages.

May 28, 2024

New Features:

Automatically Set Archiving Settings So Artists Can Archive 
Impact: Internal, Administrators, Artists

  • Updated an internal workflow to automatically adjust the settings that allow artists to archive their entries when staff members archive and/or copy a call. 


Daily Upload Report Email Blocked 
Impact: Internal

  • Fixed the email containing the Daily Upload Report to prevent it from being blocked and held in quarantine.
Updated Banner Colors
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Updated the color of the banners that appear on the artist and administrator sides of CaFÉ to meet WCAG 2.0 contrasting standards.

April 18, 2024


Pages Not Loading Due to Missing Address Fields
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Fixed an issue that caused the applications and application review pages to not load for artists who did not have an address on file.
Missing Color Palette Updates
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Updated button colors that were missing from the recent site-wide color palette update.
“Back to Top” Link on Mobile Updated for Accessibility
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Updated the “back to top” link on mobile devices to be correctly designated on the page.

March 14, 2024

New Features:

Updated the Timeline for Calls Included in the Upcoming Deadlines Section of the Opportunities Notification
Impact: Internal

  • Adjusted the configuration of the upcoming deadlines of the Opportunities This Week notification sent to CaFÉ artists. Only calls with deadlines 3 to 15 days in the future will be included.
Updated Language Across CaFÉ Sites from “Disabled” to “Deactivated/Inactive”
Impact: Artists, Administrators

  • Updated language across CaFÉ to replace the words “Disableand “Disabled” to “Inactive” and “Deactivated,” respectively.
  • This update reflects CaFÉ’s culture of accessibility and commitment to using inclusive language.
Removed Uppercase Capitalization Styles
Impact: Artists, Administrators

  • Removed all capitalization styles across the CaFÉ site to adhere to Google’s guidelines and Google Ads’ customer match policy.
Updated Color Palette on CaFÉ Sites
Impact: Artists, Administrators

  • Updated the colors across CaFÉ to match a new color palette that is more consistent and meets WCAG contrast standards.


Call Type Not Appearing Correctly in the Call Editor Overview Box
Impact: Administrators

  • Fixed an issue that caused the call type from appearing correctly in the overview box of the call editor.
Internal Emails Blocked as Unauthenticated Senders
Impact: Internal

  • Fixed an issue that prevented emails from being sent from the CaFÉ system to the internal team if images were missing from a media burn.

February 20, 2024

New Features:

Added New Multiple Selection Drop-Down List Question Type & Paste Multiple Options Workflow
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Created a new question type, Multiple Selection Drop-Down List, that allows applicants to select multiple answer options from a drop-down list. Applicants can also filter the list by typing in their answer and selecting an option.
  • Added functionality that allows administrators to paste multiple answer options into the question editor at once. 

January 23, 2024

New Features:

Added an Online Call Type, Participation Fee Filter, and Outside the U.S. Region to the Call Listings Page
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Added a new call type, “Online,” for administrators to categorize their call if the opportunity will be held online. Artists can filter the call listings to include or exclude calls with the Online call type. 
  • Added a participation fee filter to the call listings page so artists can filter in/out calls that charge a participation fee through CaFÉ. 
  • Updated the entry fee filter with 3 preset options for calls with entry fees in particular ranges, and replaced the slider with a text box for artists to enter a minimum and/or maximum entry fee. 
  • Added a new region titled “Outside the U.S.” to the regions filter of the call listing page. Artists can now filter for call listings for any calls with a state listed as “unspecified.” 
Updated the Deactivation Warning Email for Artist Accounts
Impact: Artists

  • Updated the warning email that is sent to artists if their accounts will be deactivated. The email now provides additional context and encourages the artist to log in by the specified date to maintain access to their account.
Updated the Contract Fees Report for the New CaFÉ Plus Plan
Impact: Internal

  • Updated the contract fees report downloaded by CaFÉ staff. The report will now charge the per-applicant fee after the 250th received application fee for all CaFÉ Plus Plan holders. The report also displays the licensee’s name for staff members to reference.


Updated the Address on System Notifications
Impact: Artists, Administrators

  • Revised the address on the footer of the CaFÉ system notifications to WESTAF’s most recent address, 1536 Wynkoop St, Suite 522 Denver, CO 80202. This update ensures CaFE remains CAN-SPAM compliant.

November 28, 2023

New Features:

Allow Account Managers to Create General Administrator Accounts & Allow Staff to Set Administrator Limits
Impact: Administrators, Account Managers, Internal

  • Added a feature that allows the account manager for each organization to create, activate, and deactivate general administrator and juror accounts. The default limit is 5 total administrators per organization. There is no limit on the number of juror accounts that can be created.
  • Added the ability for CaFÉ staff to see all administrators listed on the licensee page and set the limit for the number of administrators allowed per organization.
Allow Administrators & Jurors to Edit Profile Details
Impact: Administrators, Jurors, Internal

  • Added new sections to the Profile Details page for all administrators and jurors. Users are able to view and edit their contact information and account details, change their username and password, and set up their multi-factor authentication (MFA) settings. 
  • Added the access type to the downloadable report of administrators downloadable by staff members.
Added Show/Hide Password Button to Artist Login & Sign-Up Pages
Impact: Artists

  • Added a button to the artist login and sign-up pages that allows users to show or hide their password as they type. The password displays when the “Show” button is clicked, and the password hides when the “Hide” button is clicked.
“Linked Media” Text Removed from Application & Preview Pages
Impact: Artists

  • Following confusion from artists about its meaning, the “Linked Media” text that explained the label of a linked work sample has been removed from the application and the preview pages.
Improved the Text & Workflow for Calls with Categories Enabled and No Custom Form Questions
Impact: Artists, Administrators

  • Updated the artist workflow for applications that have no custom form questions so artists always see text clarifying there are no application questions and to continue to the work sample section. This text will now display regardless of the categories option being enabled for the call.
Accessibility (a11y) Updates to the Session Timeout Modal on the Artist Site
Impact: Artists

  • Added the ability for screen readers and voice-over applications to recognize the session timeout modal that appears on the artist site. Artists can now also click anywhere or press any key to extend the session timer.


Maximum Number of Applications Per Applicant Setting Not Editable
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Fixed an issue that prevented administrators from increasing the number of applications allowed per applicant after one application had already been received.  
Rolling Deadline Calls Appearing on the Calendar & Checkout Pages while the Jury is in Progress
Impact: Artists

  • Fixed an issue that displayed rolling deadline calls on the calendar and checkout pages while the jury was set to “In-Progress.” Calls with rolling deadlines will no longer appear on the calendar page, and artists will no longer be able to submit applications while the jury is in progress.
Large Media Burns Not Generating 
Impact: Internal

  • Fixed an issue that prevented large media burns from being generated properly

September 21, 2023

New Features:

Added Account Manager Administrator Role Type
Impact: Administrators

  • Created two administrator role types, Account Manager and General, with specific viewing/editing permissions.
  • Added ability for CaFÉ staff to mark users as Account Managers or General.
Allow Account Managers to View & Modify Organization Details & Account Users
Impact: Administrators

  • Allow the new Account Managers access to two new pages to the Profile section of CaFÉ: Organization Details and Account Users.
  • On the Organization Details page, Account Managers can:
    • View and update the main contact information
    • View and update the billing contact information. Note: Updates to this section will send an email notifying the CaFÉ Finance team of the changes.
    • View contract history and request a renewal
    • View call history and request a new call
  • On the Account Users page, Account Managers can: 
    • View all active and deactivated account users (administrators and jurors)
Allow Administrators to Order Products & Display on Call Details Page
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Added the ability to change the order that products of the same fee type appear on the checkout page and call details page.
  • Updated the Call Details page to display entry, media, and admin fees created for the call in the order set by the administrator. Note: Entry fees set to $0 will not currently display on the Call Details page.
Updated the Interface and Functionality of the Artist Checkout Page
Impact: Artists, Administrators

  • Updated the design and functionality of the checkout interface, including:
    • Grouped all fees associated with the same call inside a gray box.
    • Improved the text on the page to better explain the checkout process.
    • Updated the quantity field when purchasing a post-jury fee to a drop-down menu.
    • Enlarged the coupon code box so artists can see the full coupon entered.
Updated Address on System Notification
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Updated the address in the email footer for all official CaFÉ notifications to 1580 N. Logan St., Ste. 660 PMB 98286, Denver, CO 80203.
Updated the Burnserver to Point Directly to S3
Impact: Internal, Administrators, Artists

  • Updated the burnserver to remove S3fs mounts and point directly to S3.


Website URLs on Call Details Not Clickable Without http or https
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Fixed an issue with the website field of the Call Editor that caused URLs entered without http or https to add “” before the website, creating an invalid URL.
  • Note: Administrators who do not add http or https to their website will see an error message noting they should enter a valid URL.

August 2, 2023


Transactions Over $999 Not Calculated Correctly on Income Breakdown Report
Impact: Administrators, Internal

  • Fixed an issue with transaction refunds over $999 being displayed incorrectly on the Income Breakdown Report.

July 11, 2023

New Features:

Updated the Save Function in the Call Editor
Impact: Administrators

    • Updated the Call Editor to allow administrators to save information at any time without waiting until all required fields have been filled out.
    • Note: Required fields must still be completed in order to publish the call.
Added Instructional Text & Layout Updates to the Call Editor
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Updated the call editor with additional instructional text and layout changes to better help administrators complete their call. Updates include:
    • Character counters for the Short Description & Website fields
    • “(Required)” labels for required fields.
    • Additional information about Jury Types and Submission Categories
    • Reorganized layout of the Application Editor page
    • New headings to each section of the call details displayed to the artists and adjusted language about the Legal Agreement to match the Call Editor.
    • New checklist when administrators request to publish a call so they are reminded to check their settings.
Updated the Rolling Deadline to be Enabled by CaFÉ Staff Only
Impact: Administrators

  • Updated the Rolling Deadline setting in the Call Editor to be enabled by CaFÉ staff.
  • Administrators can hover or click on an information icon near the setting that instructs them to contact the CaFÉ team if they want the feature to be turned on.
Added the Licensee ID to the Licensee Editor
Impact: Internal

  • Updated the Licensee Editor to include the Licensee ID number so it can be referenced by CaFÉ staff.


Emailed PDFs Not Generated With Selected Filters
Impact: Administrators

  • Fixed an issue that caused Applications and Media Inventory List PDF reports to be emailed without holding the selected filter criteria.

May 2, 2023

New Features:

Added Ability for Artists to Modify Artwork Details Without Archiving 
Impact: Artists

    • Added the ability for artists to modify the details of their image, audio, and video files without having to archive the entries those files were committed to.
    • Users can modify the artwork details for new or in-progress applications. 
    • For submitted applications, artwork details can be modified without duplicating the image. Users can then swap out the older version of the image after the application is put in the Incomplete or Exception status. 
    • Note: Users will still have to archive all entries to remove a committed work sample and/or use the Replace Media function.
    • Added a timestamp on the Portfolio page that notes the time the artwork sample was last updated.
    • Added the ability for users to click the artwork thumbnails on the Application Review page to see all artwork details.
Added New Call Request Link to Menu on the Administrator Site
Impact: Administrators

  • Added a Request New Call option to the menu on the administrator site. This will direct users to the new call request form.
Added Filter for Refunds to Income Breakdown Report
Impact: Administrators, Internal

  • Added a new filter to the Income Breakdown Report that allows users to view and download refund transactions only.
Added Contract IDs to Event List on Artist Editor
Impact: Internal

  • Added the Contract ID to the Artist Editor page accessed by CaFÉ staff to easily connect artists’ purchases to the correct organization.


Moved Images from NFS Server to Amazon
Impact: Administrators, Artists, Internal

  • Updated the system to move images uploaded to CaFÉ from our NFS server to Amazon. 

March 30, 2023

New Features:

Added Ability for Artists to Manage Saved Payments in Profile
Impact: Artists

  • Added a Saved Payments section to the artist profile that allows users to remove, add, or edit any saved payment methods. Users will receive an email notification of the changes made to their account.
Updated the Event Management Table with Search Reset and Mass Changes
Impact: Administrators

  • Added the ability to reset the filters when searching for applications. 
  • Updated the Mass Changes tool to allow administrators to change a group of application statuses based on the search criteria.
  • Improved the event management table to hold the search criteria if an administrator changes a single application status or category. Note: The page will refresh when an application’s status or category is changed, but the search criteria will not be lost.
Updated Interface of the Calendar Tab
Impact: Internal

  • Updated the user interface of the calendar tab to match the design and styling of the site. This is a page that only the CaFÉ staff can access. 


Removed the Linked Media Text from the Portfolio
Impact: Artists

  • Removed the text that notified artists what the link icon meant in the Portfolio to minimize confusion between linked and uploaded media.
Error in Google Search Results Description
Impact: Administrators, Artists, Jurors

  • Fixed an issue in which users who searched for CaFÉ on Google only saw code. This has been removed and replaced with informational text.
Added Dynamic Copyright Year
Impact: Administrators, Artists, Jurors

  • Updated the footers on the CaFÉ sites to automatically update the copyright year to the current year. 
Implemented Google Analytics 4
Impact: Internal

  • Updated the CaFÉ sites to the newest version of Google Analytics 4.

January 26, 2023

New Features:

Updated Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Workflow with Remember Device
Impact: Administrators, Jurors

  • Updated the workflow for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) workflow to allows users to save a trusted device and login without entering the MFA code for 90 days. Note: This feature only remembers one CaFÉ account per device.
  • Updated the time the emailed MFA code is active from 5 to 10 minutes, and changed the cursor to default inside the MFA code field.
Updated System Notifications to Send to CaFÉ Team First
Impact: Internal

  • Ensured the CaFÉ team receives a copy of all communications sent through the system by sending emails to “” first. 
Updated Interface of the Media Tab
Impact: Internal

  • Updated the user interface of the media tab to match the design and styling of the site. This is a page that only the CaFÉ staff can access. 


Jury Scores Not Showing on Scoring History Report After Changing Scoring Type
Impact: Administrators

  • Fixed an issue that caused the jury scores not to show up on the scoring history report if the administrator changed the scoring type between jury rounds. 
E-Blast Pulling Incorrect Information for Organization/Contact Info
Impact: Internal

  • Updated the promotional e-blast to pull an organization’s contact information from the event information in the Call Editor as opposed to the licensee details.
E-Blast Not Holding Country Filter Selections
Impact: Internal

  • Fixed an issue with drafting and editing promotional e-blasts that caused the removal of the selections in the country filter.
Updated CaFÉ Footers for 2023
Impact: Administrators, Jurors, Artists

  • Updated the CaFÉ website’s footer to display the current year.

December 8, 2022


Fixed Image Handling Issue Introduced with Image Zoom
Impact: Jurors

  • Addressed an error with the display of some images. Previously, the site was pointing to web-sized images instead of full-sized images.
Thumbnail Images Not Sizing Correctly
Impact: Administrators, Jurors, Artists

  • Fixed an issue that caused rectangular thumbnail images to appear blurry in multiple locations across the site. Updated settings to improve the handling of non-square images.

November 17, 2022

New Features:

Allow Jurors to Zoom on Images & Expand to Full Screen
Impact: Jurors, Administrators, Artists

  • Added the ability for jurors to zoom in on images and also enable full screen to see image details more clearly. We have also improved our image requirements, removing the 1920 maximum pixel restriction. The image file size remains at a maximum of 5 MB.

October 27, 2022

New Features:

Add EFT Tracking Fields to Contract Editor & Reports
Impact: Internal

  • Added a new field to CaFÉs internal contract editor and downloadable reports to be able to track if a client has signed up for EFT and the date enrolled. This will be used in the upcoming transition to EFT remittances.
Update Requirements for New Calls for Super Admins
Impact: Internal

  • Reduced the number of required fields specifically for the CaFÉ team when building new calls to reduce manual data entry.


Current & Archived Events Not Holding When Selected
Impact: Administrators, Internal

  • Fixed a minor issue with selected events not holding or loading properly in the event dropdown list.
Licensee Report Not Displaying Current Contracts
Impact: Internal

  • Fixed an issue with the internal licensee report not pulling contracts into the licensee report if the date began in the future.

September 27, 2022


Error Message Not Displayed for Juror Usernames that are Taken
Impact: Administrators

  • Fixed an issue in which an error message did not display if an administrator created a juror username that was already taken. The error message will now appear on the page and instruct administrators to choose a different username for the new juror account.
Information Only Application Questions Required to Answer
Impact: Administrators, Artists

  • Fixed an issue where some “information only” type questions were required on the application form and prevented artists from checking out. This occurred if an administrator changed a required application question from a standard question type to an “information only” type.

New Features:

Allow the CaFÉ Team to Generate, Schedule, and Send Test Eblasts
Impact: Internal

  • Added a feature to CaFÉ’s system notifications to allow staff to generate e-blasts based on an existing call, schedule e-blasts to be sent at a later date, and send test e-blasts.

August 25, 2022

System Maintenance:

Interface Update for the System Portfolio Page 
Impact: Internal

  • Updated design for the System Portfolio page used by CaFÉ staff to match the user interface of the front-facing pages.
Alert for Missing Images in Media Burns
Impact: Internal

  • Added an alert for CaFÉ staff to be notified if any images are missing from a media burn (i.e. when images are exported from a call for entry).
Security Updates
Impact: Internal

  • Implemented infrastructure changes to resolve some potential vulnerabilities.

July 28, 2022

New Features:

Allow Artists to Submit Links for Audio and Video Work Samples 
Impact: Administrators, Artists

    • Added the option for artists to add links, from third-party streaming services, to audio and video files rather than directly uploading files to their portfolio. Linked audio and video work samples will be embedded in the artist application and juror scorecard.
    • Note: Only YouTube and Vimeo links are supported for videos at this time.
Add Conditional Logic Questions
Impact: Jurors

    • Implemented conditional logic questions to the application editor so administrators can show or hide particular questions depending on answers to previous questions. This will allow administrators to customize their calls more succinctly and gain more detailed information from artists.

June 23, 2022

New Features:

Update Call Detail Page & Display Jury Dates
Impact: Administrators, Artists

    • Updated the design of the call detail page with a layout that will be easier for artists to view the call details and the organization’s information at a glance.
    • Added an optional feature to display the start and end dates of the jury on the call detail page. This will make it easier for artists to keep track of notifications of jury results and make the call for entry timeline more transparent.


Videos Cut Off in Jury Scorecard
Impact: Jurors

    • Fixed a display error with the width viewport that caused some videos to be cut off when viewed in the jury scorecard.

June 2, 2022


Populated Fields Marked as “Required”
Impact: Administrators

    • Fixed a minor issue in which certain fields on the Call Editor were incorrectly displaying a “required” error message, even if the field was already populated. The validation requirements have been updated and only display the error message if the required fields are blank.
Undelivered Emails & Timestamps Displaying Zero
Impact: Administrators, Artists

    • Resolved an issue with emails not being delivered or displayed a blank timestamp of 0/00/0000 for a particular call for entry. Updated the query criteria to resend any undelivered emails.
Video Playback Issues in Juror Scorecard
Impact: Jurors

  • Fixed two minor bugs related to video playback in the juror scorecard so all videos will play properly across all browser and scorecard types.

May 16, 2022


Images Missing from Scorecard
Impact: Jurors, Administrators

    • Updated our file storage to fix a minor issue with artwork samples not appearing in the jury scorecard for some applications.
Application & Media Inventory PDF Emails Not Sending
Impact: Administrators

  • Fixed a minor issue in which larger Media Inventory and Application PDFs were not being emailed within a reasonable amount of time, or at all.